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SexSim - Playthru & Walkthrough

Lets Play Ripened Peach: SexSim

Introduction: It seems 3d sex simulators are becoming all the rage these days and the companies making these games need to make sure they stand out among the pack of entries. Sitting down with Ripened Peach: SexSim I was tasked to formulate an honest review and decide whether or not the game did just that. SexSim is a 3d sex simulation experience that allows you to choose a girl, a partner, and a stage and then go on to engage in sex in the fashion that you the player desire. This game is a FREEMIUM experience which means that the game is available for free but only with very basic features. In the case of SexSim, the player will almost definitely want to eventually spend money on girls, maps, and functions to realize his or her complete vision for sex simulation at home on their PC. SexSim with all of the features bought and enabled is about as in-depth and customizable as you can possibly imagine. You can edit a girl down to every single detail such as breast dimension, hairstyle and color, pubic hair style and color, body dimensions, skin tone and texture, fingernails, eyebrows, eye color, facial dimensions, and much much more. With all the customizable options the actual gameplay and simulation experience better be good right? Well, this is the let's play and not the review but as a sneak peek I can tell you that yes this is a pretty decent simulator. The ability to pan, zoom in and out, choose certain actions while in mid position, and even squirt milk from your breasts are just some of the options in the simulator. Of course, you are also able to change sexual positions whenever you desire to whatever wets your whistle. Lets start out with the basics...

Selecting a girl, a partner, an outfit, and a stage: When you first load into the game you are met with a selection screen beginning with the girl you want to use. This girl can be customized into a particular look but we will get into that later. After you choose a girl you can then choose a male partner to have sex with and both the girls and male partners vary in age, race, and size. Also, you can choose an outfit to wear during your sex session and this adds to complete the total look of your girl to match her attitude and or theme. Finally, you can choose from a selection of stages to have sex in. Note: the number of girls, partners, clothes, extras, and stages to choose from will vary depending on what you have purchased for in-game use.

Editing and customization: After making your basic selections if you have purchased the required prerequisites you have the option to fine-tune your girl with editors to customize her look. Tools such as the breast shaper, hair styler, pubic hair styler, and the character editor allow you to literally fine tune every single aspect of your girl down to extremely small details...

Time to play the game: Once in the game for the first time, you are greeted with a large 4 square read out of the in-game controls as well as other gameplay hints and tips to get you started on your sex session. The in-game controls are explained with keyboard commands but you will soon find out that controlling the in-game action is much easier using only the mouse and in-game buttons.
Then when you look to the right you see your available sex positions which will include even more positions if you choose to purchase them in the store. Also along the right side are further in-game controls such as snapshot, camera focus, cum eraser, toggle on or off various boxes in the game and more.
As I got going in the game I also discovered the arousal meters around a characters avatar in the lower left side of the screen as well as the player menu which allows you to perform certain custom actions while having sex like grab the tits or pussy and milk the breasts. Clicking on the avatar also lets you choose whether the girl will look at the camera or the guy, allows you to switch to POV camera mode as the guy or the girl, and finally it allows you to hide the guy and the penis separately if you so choose to. Also and most importantly you will see an action that quickly allows you to take clothes on or off...
All in all the gameplay was what you would expect, it simulated sex. I chose the positions I wanted and used the different custom actions to tailor make a sexual experience. I used the girl and partners arousal meters to try and make them cum at the same time which I was successful in doing multiple times. Each character reacts to different sexual positions differently so you kind of has to experiment to get you and your partner on the same wavelength arousal wise. Something as simple as switching to hand job or blowjob positions for the cumshot so it ends up being a facial make the game more immersive and intuitive. All in all, I enjoyed SexSim and I think it is a good experience for anyone into a simulation to try at least once. I would, however, recommend buying at least the editors and some extra positions to give the game a real chance to wow you.

One last thing before I go. I appreciated the ability to take in-game screenshots during critical moments to preserve for later enjoyment. You can find them located in the games installation directory. Here are some of the screenshots I took in the game! Enjoy and remember to check out my review of SexSim here on WetPussyGames